Hann Lim : Hi everybody , We Are From CSC 1122 Class Cascading Style Sheet Group A.k.a CSS
Hann Lim : My Name is Tan Hann LIm, i am the group leader of CSS group
Khai Loon : Hi, My Name Lee Khai Loon and one member of CSS group
Gian Hao : Hi, My Name Tan Gian Hao and also one member of CSS group
Hann Lim : We will talk about define what is CSS and explain advantages of CSS?
Hann Lim : Khai Loon, Do you know what is css?
Khai Loon : Yes ,css stand for cascading style sheets , CSS is also is the ASCII aka (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), which contains the instructions can formatting web documents, which is use to define how to display Hyper Text Markup Language also known as HTML element
Khai Loon : Gian Hao Did You Know what is the advantage of css?
Gian Hao : If I am not wrong, CSS were added to HTML version 4.01 to solve a problem and also it can make the pages load faster because less code means faster download times, the code has been simplify. the other advantage of css is easy maintance because the style of an element, you only have to make an edit in one place.
Gian Hao : hann Lim , how do css save a lot of work ?
Hann Lim: it can save alot of time because when most of us first learn HTML, we get taught to set the font size , colour, style and more, everytime it occurs on a page, and which means we find ourselves typing the same thing over and over again.
Everybody : Thanks For Listen, Bye Bye !
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