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Although CSS has its strengths, it also has its weeknesses. Below are examples of some disadvantages of using pure CSS on web layouts.
1. Inconsistent Browser Support
Different browsers will render CSS layout differently as a result of browser bug or lack of support for CSS features if CSS "hacks" was not implemented in browser.
2. Number of Multiple Backgrounds per Element
Highly graphical designs require several background images for every element, but CSS can support only one.
3. Lack of Variables
CSS contain no variables. This makes it necessary to do a "replace-all" when one desires to change a fundamental constant, such as color scheme or various heights and widths.
4. Collapsing Margins
Complicated and is frequently not expected by authors, and no simple side-effect-free way is available to control it.
5. Vertical Control Limitation
Vertical placement is frequently unintuitive, convoluted, or impossible. Simple tasks, such as centering an element vertically or getting a footer to be placed no higher than bottom of viewport.
Advantags and Disadvantages of Using CSS, [Online], Retrieved by 10 April 2011.
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